Wednesday, March 9, 2016


Have you seen/heard about the #imbringingbirthdaysback movement?  Well, it reminds me of this post from last August where I pledged to start sending more cards in the mail.
#imbringingbirthdaysbackAnd so, I'm joining in. I mean, who doesn't want to receive happy mail - and especially when it's for your birthday!

Stampin' Up! trainer Shannon West started this movement because she noticed that not only was Facebook taking over birthday cards, but it was also contributing to fewer Christmas cards being mailed. 

She created a hashtag stamp for the cards (and/or envelopes) before you mail them. They sold out of the initial run in under 5 hours!. These stamps are now back in stock, and you can bet I'll be ordering one! 

So let's get stamping and and mailing out those cards! They don't have to be complicated cards - if you need a quick and easy way to get started, I'd recommend the Tin of Cards; but make sure that you send them out, and don't hoard the completed cards you make! If you want a hand stamped birthday card from me this year, please comment with your birthdate and I’ll add you to my list (you may need to also email me your address). If your birthday has passed, add it anyway and I’ll get a belated card to you.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Amber!
    I just stumbled upon your post about #imbringingbirthdaysback and I just wanted to applaud you for being such an awesome person!
    I'd love to receive a card from you on my birthday, please. My birthday is July 26th. I will email you my mailing address as well....
